Giant cell tumour of the tendon sheath (GCT-TS) in the foot
A case report
giant cell tumour of the tendon sheath, GCT-TS, benign tumours, foot tumoursAbstract
Giant cell tumour of the tendon sheath (GCT-TS) has been described as the most common tumour of the hand following ganglion cysts. In contrast it is much rarer in the foot, with only 3-10% of GCT-TS being described in the foot. A PubMed and Medline search of the topic has revealed two case series and 12 case studies. It is therefore an uncommon condition, but should be considered as part of a differential diagnosis for a mass in the foot.
We present the case of a 42-year-old male who presented with a large painful mass in in the third web space of his left foot, which was 7 cm in length in vivo. It crossed the anatomical compartments of the forefoot and midfoot. Our case report showed the typical findings of a GCT-TS. Along with this we also present a review of the literature.